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News 28.04.2016

Arjuna Targets Sports Nutrition For EU Market

Arjuna Natural Ltd. launches OXYSTORM standardized nitrate to the sports nutrition market at…

Arjuna Natural Ltd. launches OXYSTORM standardized nitrate to the sports nutrition market at Vitafoods, Geneva, May 10-12. The latest clinical research results show that OXYSTORM can help athletes work out longer and harder.

OXYSTORM is an extract of Amaranthus one of the sources of nitrate in nature. Arjuna’s patent-pending production process delivers an optimum level of nitrate content from the leaves of Amaranthus species – 9,000 mg/100 g – which is more than the amount of nitrate from beetroot powder and beet juice. Offered as a powder, OXYSTORM is highly water-soluble and has a neutral pH, making it ideal for a range of applications, including energy bars and sport drinks.

Clinical research published in January online in advance of print in the journal Nutrition shows that a single oral dose of Amaranthus extract is able to increase the levels of NO3ˉ and NO2ˉ in the body for at least eight hours. An increase in NO3ˉ and NO2ˉ levels can help improve the overall performance of people engaged in dynamic sports or other physical activities.

“There is a growing demand for nitrate for athletes in sports nutrition products, and OXYSTORM fits well into this slot,” says Benny Antony, PhD, Joint Managing Director for Arjuna. “Simultaneously, it addresses hypertension and demonstrates several cardiovascular health benefits.”

How does it work? The bacteria in your mouth converts nitrate to nitrite (as long as you don't kill those bacteria with mouthwash), that is then circulated in the bloodstream. In conditions of low oxygen availability, nitrite is converted into nitric oxide, which is known to play a number of key roles in cardiovascular health and metabolic control. Dietary nitrate supplementation increases plasma nitrite concentration and reduces resting blood pressure.

“Beetroot powder and beet juice have typically been used to support nitrite levels but they contain comparatively low levels of nitrate in a typical serving. Moreover, the nitrate amount can vary widely based on where and how the plants were harvested and processed,” explains Antony. “OXYSTORM is a potent form of nitrate for sports nutrition applications. It’s standardized to 9-10 % nitrate content. But almost important is what isn’t in OXYSTORM: Reducing sugars and Oxalates. Many beet-based products contain relatively high amounts of inherent reducing sugars and oxalates.”

Arjuna’s production processes and products meet market-specific regulations worldwide. A GMP-certified, SAP-driven company, Arjuna has achieved international certifications including ISO22000, Kosher and Halal. Arjuna continues to engage in research and development, with continuing scientific validation of its novel product line through advanced clinical studies.

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