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News 16.02.2016

Flavoured Water To Top 10 Billion Litres In 5 Years

Global sales of flavoured water rose an estimated 4 % in 2015 to 7.5 billion litres, according to a…

Global sales of flavoured water rose an estimated 4 % in 2015 to 7.5 billion litres, according to a new report from leading food and drink consultancy Zenith International. By 2021, the market is expected to reach 10 billion litres, driven principally by growth in Latin America.

The 2016 Zenith Report on Flavoured Water Innovation identifies 10 key themes guiding global innovation and new product development since 2013 – plain water brand extensions, fruit-flavoured, sugar-free, natural positioning, organic positioning, herbs or flowers, transition product, child-oriented, premium positioning, packaging.

Over 65 brand profiles are analysed, offering product images as well as detailed information such as launch date, packaging type and size, pricing, ingredients, variants and marketing.

Other findings of the report include:

  • Latin America is the leading region for flavoured water sales.
  • Consumption is highest in the United States, Argentina and Germany, which account for 40 % of global volume.
  • The top 3 brands are Villa del Sur Levité and Volvic Touch of Fruit from Danone, followed by Aquarius from Coca-Cola.

"Flavoured water's success is drawing on the best of both the plain water and carbonated soft drinks worlds," commented Zenith Chairman Richard Hall. "It promotes the taste of carbonates without the calories and the health of water with added interest. It can also command a price premium as well as providing opportunities for faster growth.

"The main areas of innovation are new and more diverse flavours, all natural ingredients and low or no sugar content. Our new report is a valuable guide to anyone already in or considering entry into the flavoured water market, with a view to providing innovation and added value to consumers," he concluded.

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