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Process Technology 11.11.2015

GEA Heat Exchangers Becomes Kelvion

Something’s happening in the international Heat Exchanger business: another new standalone company has been created out of the…

Something’s happening in the international Heat Exchanger business: another new standalone company has been created out of the former Heat Exchanger division of the GEA Group AG. Due to a change of ownership, the company is now ready to take on the competition around the world under the name Kelvion. The other segments of the Heat Exchanger division will operate under different names and market presence, like DencoHappel (former Air Treatment) whilst the Power Cooling Solutions business will be renamed before the end of the year.

“The new company name pays homage to Lord Kelvin, a pioneer of thermodynamics. The name Kelvion is new, but we continue as global experts in heat exchange with plate heat exchangers, finned-tube heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat exchangers, modular cooling towers and refrigeration heat exchangers”, said Michael Andersen, Interim CEO of Kelvion and continues: ”We are connecting the best of two worlds: in Kelvion, a long tradition and the solid expertise of our employees meets the flexibility of a medium-sized company. As a premium brand in heat exchangers, Kelvion addresses a customer group that demands reliability. Now, as before, we bring the best of thermal engineering technology to the market. We continue to provide the products that customers from a varied range of industrial sectors all over the world, have learned to trust over the decades.”

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