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People & Events 13.11.2015

BrauBeviale 2015: Enjoyment For Everyone Involved

With a powerful performance – matching the previous year’s level – BrauBeviale is closing its doors again for…

With a powerful performance – matching the previous year’s level – BrauBeviale is closing its doors again for another year after three intensive trade fair days. Over 37,000 visitors (41 percent of them international) came to this year's most important equipment show for the beverage industry. The slight increase in guests from abroad shows: BrauBeviale is also becoming increasingly important in international terms. Among the total of 1,083 exhibitors were regular guests and newcomers, world market-leaders and small and medium-sized companies. They presented all aspects covering the beverage industry process chain: high-quality raw materials, innovative technologies, efficient logistics and creative marketing ideas.

The guests mainly came from Germany as well as from Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Around 98 percent of the beverage specialists were satisfied with the range of products and services presented at the fair and are planning to visit the fair once again next year, according to the results of a survey conducted by an independent institute. The exhibitors were delighted with the renewed increase in the high quality of the visitors to their stands: around 90 percent of the trade visitors are involved in the investment decisions at their respective companies. The exhibitors presented their stands in space, which had increased by about six percent compared to the previous year. They came from 49 nations, in particularly companies from Germany (580), Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland.

BrauBeviale 2016 date: 8 – 10 November 2016

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