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Filling & Packaging 07.09.2015

Suntory Green Tea Iyemon Tokucha (FOSHU) Newly Released 2L PET Bottle

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF) announces a new addition to the Iyemon Tokucha (FOSHU) series of products. The…

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF) announces a new addition to the Iyemon Tokucha (FOSHU) series of products. The Iyemon Tokucha (FOSHU) 2L PET bottle will be available nationwide beginning October 6 (Tuesday).

Iyemon Tokucha is a FOSHU (food for specified health uses) beverage that helps the lowering of body fat and is the first FOSHU soft drink that focuses on the breakdown of body fat. As a FOSHU soft drink that works to lower body fat, Iyemon Tokucha is perfect not only for drinking with meals, but also as for drinking during work and sports. Iyemon Tokucha features a pleasing flavor that can be enjoyed daily.

Launched three years ago, Iyemon Tokucha has received strong support from consumers. Shipment volume in June represented a new record for monthly shipments and January through July sales increased significantly and was at 125 % compared to the previous year. In response to consumer demand, SBF will begin offering Iyemon Tokucha, the industry’s overwhelming No. 1 FOSHU soft drink, in a new large-volume 2 l PET bottle.

SBF will continue our aggressive promotions, including introducing new TV commercials, as part of our campaign to convey the appeal of Iyemon Tokucha to our consumers.

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