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News 06.08.2015

innocent Introduce New Range Of Fruit & Veg Kids Smoothies

The new 100 % pure fruit & veg smoothies have been specifically blended to be tasty and drinkable with hidden veg inside, so that…

Market leader brings innovation to kids smoothie category

We know how tricky it is to get kids to eat those all-important vegetables, and with the majority of mums feeling that their children should get more veg in to their kids’ diets, we wanted to help make it a little bit easier for them. 

Our brand new 100 % pure fruit & veg smoothies have been specifically blended to be tasty and drinkable with hidden veg inside, so that the benefits of the veg are seen but the delicious fruit is what the kids can taste. Because there’s so much goodness inside, each smoothie also contains one of your kids’ recommended 5-a-day (but no added sugar, preservatives, concentrates or bits.)

Nick Canney, UK & I MD says “As the market leader in the kids chilled juice market, we work closely with mums to make sure we’re making drinks they want to give their kids. They told us that vegetables are the number one thing that they struggle to get in to their kids’ diets, so we wanted to make something to help them. Which is why we’re really proud to be the only brand offering mums a tasty smoothie that has all the goodness vegetables bring, but cleverly hidden so the kids won’t know they’re enjoying something that’s actually good for them too.”

innocent for kids 100 % pure fruit & veg smoothies will be found in two delicious recipes from the end of August – perfect for back to school lunchtimes. We’ll be supporting the launch with PR activity and our first kids TV campaign since 2011 in August.

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