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Science & Research 02.07.2015

AIT Researcher Develops Novel Solution For Treating Cryptosporidium

The Environmental Proterction Agency (EPA)has published the results of significant collaborative research between…

The Environmental Proterction Agency (EPA)has published the results of significant collaborative research between Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) and NUI Galway led by Prof Neil Rowan. This research has developed high-intensity pulsed light as a novel technology for disinfecting drinking water.

Dara Lynott, Deputy Director General of the EPA, said: "We are all aware that high quality, safe, sufficient drinking water is essential to daily life, for example for drinking and in food preparation, and that finding solutions to threats to drinking water quality is an imperative. As well as being important for health, high quality water is vital for our tourism, industrial and agricultural sectors. This research has developed an innovative technology that addresses a key drinking water quality challenge and at the same time provides green economic opportunities for Ireland."

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