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People & Events 24.10.2014

China Brew & China Beverage Continues Its Success Story

China Brew & China Beverage (CBB) has just completed another chapter in its successful history. On the four days of the show…

China Brew & China Beverage (CBB) has just completed another chapter in its successful history. On the four days of the show, 52,063 participants came to Beijing – that´s slightly up on the numbers that attended the last event two years ago. Feedback from the visitors was positive across the board, with particular praise given to the professional organization of the event and the quality of the visitors. In 2016 CBB will not be held in Beijing, but in Shanghai.

A total of 708 (2012: 674) exhibitors from 25 countries (2012: 21) took part in CBB 2014, which was held on approximately 80,000 square meters of exhibition space. 248 of the exhibitors came from outside China. It is especially pleasing to report that this year there has been a further improvement in the quality of the sections at the exhibition and that there were considerably more products and equipment on show at the booths of the exhibitors. The visitors came not only from the beer and soft drinks industries, but also increasingly from the milk industry and from distilleries – a fact that further underpins China Brew & China Beverage´s reputation as the leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry in Southeast Asia.

The next China Brew & China Beverage takes place from October 11 to 14, 2016 at the Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre (SNIEC).

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