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News 25.07.2013

Krones Raises Earnings Target For 2013 After Strong Second Quarter

Krones, the world’s market leader for beverage filling and packaging technology, accelerated its growth in the second quarter of 2013 despite…

• Revenue up 6.8 % year-on-year in the first six months of 2013 to €1,377.5 million
• Krones improves earnings, with earnings before taxes up more sharply than revenue in the first half, 24.5 %, to €79.7 million
• EBT margin up from 5.0 % a year earlier to 5.8 %
• Krones now targeting an EBT margin of 5.8 % to 6.0 % for the year 2013 as a whole

Krones, the world’s market leader for beverage filling and packaging technology, accelerated its growth in the second quarter of 2013 despite the challenging macroeconomic environment. From April to June 2013, the company’s revenue increased 8.3 % to €694.1 million. Krones’ strong position on the emerging markets was a significant growth driver.

Revenue rose 6.8 % year-on-year in the first half of 2013, from €1,289.7 million to €1,377.5 million. Krones achieved the steepest improvement in the Western Europe, Middle East/Africa, and Asia-Pacific sales regions.

New orders were up 4.1 % year-on-year to €1,382.8 million in the period from January to June 2013, due primarily to continued high demand from the emerging markets. The biggest growth in new orders came from Asia and the company’s Africa/Middle East sales region. Demand from the important sales region USA stabilised.

At 30 June 2013, the company had an orders backlog of €1,004.6 million

(previous year: €980.4 million). The comfortable orders cushion provides a solid basis for balancing capacity utilisation over the rest of the 2013 financial year.

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