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News 28.03.2013

Mercy Hangover Prevention Partners With Brown Distributing Company

Mercy, the caffeine-free beverage that helps prevent hangovers, is pleased to announce its…

Mercy, the caffeine-free beverage that helps prevent hangovers, is pleased to announce its partnership with Brown Distributing Company in Florida. Launched in 2011 after eight years of research and development, Mercy is packed with vitamins and amino acids that help fortify your body against damage caused by alcohol.

This last drink of the night is currently available at retailers, bars and nightclubs in New York and New Jersey. The partnership with Brown Distributing Company marks its expansion into a third national market, Florida, and the beginning of an exciting year for Mercy, which plans to add distribution to the west coast. Founded in 1919, Brown has grown into one of Florida's largest and most premier beverage distribution businesses, serving more than 6,000 retailers. In 2009, it started a new specialty division of non-alcoholic beverages, including teas, water and juices, which now includes Mercy. Brown was named the 2012 craft beer distributor of the year by two trade associations.  

This launch comes on the heels of Mercy's partnership with New York distributor Phoenix Beehive, which began in October of 2012 and helped triple Mercy's account base last quarter. "The partnership with Brown Distributing Company is an integral part of our national expansion strategy and we are thrilled to be in their specialty division portfolio," said Luc Tomasino, CEO of Mercy. "Their reach extends to the entire state of Florida and with them at the helm, we are confident that they will penetrate Mercy aggressively in this territory and help us establish Mercy as the pioneer of this new category."

Founded by Dave Shor in 2002, Mercy has become the most effective method of preventing hangovers on the market thanks to its combination of nutrients, including B1 and the amino acid N-acetyl cysteine. These work to neutralize the alcohol toxin acetaldehyde, which causes hangovers. And though the product offers uniquely high levels of vitamins, Mercy's team has succeeded in making the drink not just enjoyable, but crisp and refreshing.

Contact: Katie Fox,

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