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Science & Research 18.03.2013

Carbon Disclosure Project Recognizes Symrise For Transparency On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ranks Symrise highly in its active approach to climate change. This is the conclusion the non-profit organization came to after…

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ranks Symrise highly in its active approach to climate change. This is the conclusion the non-profit organization came to after having assessed 350 companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. According to this, Symrise factors ecological risks and opportunities into its core business and keeps external stakeholders informed in a comprehensive and transparent manner.

An increasing number of institutional investors and customers find it important that companies be aware of the consequences of climate change, develop strategic approaches to dealing with them and report in a transparent way on what has been achieved. Since 2000, CDP has been collecting data and information from companies on a voluntary basis regarding their carbon dioxide emissions, climate risks and reduction targets on behalf of institutional investors, which now total 655.

CDP uses the reported data to create the “Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index” (CDLI), which is intended as a guideline for orientation. It shows the best 10 % of the companies that were assessed. With 88 points out of a possible 100, Symrise is the MDAX leader on the CDLI and is 35 points above the index average.

“Our leading position on the CDLI confirms that we are on the right track with our integrated corporate strategy that anchors sustainability within our core business. We are grappling strategically with the impact of climate change both on our processes and product development and we are working in a consistent way to meet our environment and efficiency targets,” explains Dr. Helmut Frieden, Corporate Vice President Corporate Compliance at Symrise. “Thus, we want to reduce our CO2 emissions and our energy consumption per product sold by 33 % until 2020.”

Press Contact:
Bernhard Kott                                                 
Tel. +49 55 31 90-17 21                                   

Clemens Tenge
Tel. +49 55 31 90-15 90

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