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Filling & Packaging 06.12.2012

Coca-Cola Selects The New Tetra Gemina® Aseptic Leaf Package For Improved Handling, Pouring And A Sleek New Design For Dobry Juice In Russia

Tetra Pak and Coca-Cola Hellenic, Europe’s leading manufacturer of beverages trademarked by The Coca-Cola Company, announced the first…

Tetra Pak and Coca-Cola Hellenic, Europe’s leading manufacturer of beverages trademarked by The Coca-Cola Company, announced the first worldwide deployment of the Tetra Gemina Aseptic (TGA) Leaf for Coca-Cola’s Dobry juice range in Russia.

The TGA Leaf offers customers a package with a unique appearance whilst also delivering exceptional holding and pouring performance for consumers.

Consumer research conducted in Russia and Spain in 2012 demonstrates that consumers rate the TGA Leaf higher in visual appeal, environmental performance and functionality – easy to open, pour and re-close, compared to similar packages.

New Features

The TGA Leaf is the latest innovation within the Tetra Gemina Aseptic family of products. It builds on the functionality of the TGA Square package, known for its unique gable top, designed to achieve the best possible product flow and providing the package with an elegant appearance. TGA Leaf maintains these key attributes, while the shape of the package body is new, with the addition of four leaf-shaped panels. It comes in a 1000ml package size, designed predominantly for use in the home.

In addition, utilising the recently launched HeliCap 27, it delivers a larger net pouring area for higher liquid flow and a smooth overall pouring performance for consumers. The irregular and large knurls for an improved grip also provide consumers with added convenience.

TGA Leaf also offers significant customer value by providing production flexibility. The TGA Leaf can be produced on the Tetra Pak® A3/Flex for Tetra Gemina® Aseptic packaging machine, meaning customers can produce three different shapes (TGA Square, TGA Crystal and TGA Leaf) and four different sizes (1500 ml, 1000 ml, 750 ml and 500 ml for the Square shape; 1000 ml for the Crystal and Leaf shapes).

For more information please contact

Zoe Ngobeni, Tetra Pak, Cell: +39 346 370 0470
Rob Arnott, Cohn & Wolfe for Tetra Pak, Tel: +44 20 7331 5361

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