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People & Events 15.11.2012


Even this year Interpoma, the International tradeshow specialized for cultivation, storage and marketing of apples, has in store a surprise…

Even this year Interpoma, the International tradeshow specialized for cultivation, storage and marketing of apples, has in store a surprise: two conducted tours thanks to which highly-skilled professional operators, will have the opportunity to give more in-depth knowledge and understanding relevantly to the world of apples' industry and at the same time give you the chance to get a rare look at what's going on behind the scenes.

The Bolzano Fair has introduced a unique novelty of its kind, especially thought-out for its potential visitors at Interpoma: two exclusive group visits that you can partake to in visiting both the modern apple growing installations for the apple industry and the fruit processing system for cooperatives of South Tyrol, which will be carried out under the guidance of experts in the sector. Both initiatives will be held in English, Italian and German with the collaboration of the Consorzio Mela Alto Adige (South Tyrol Agricultural Apple Consortium) and Bolzano Fair.

It is a proven fact that South Tyrol holds 12 % of the European market and 50 % of the Italian market's apple industry sector, which means a quantity equivalent to 950.000 tons of which half, is meant for Central and Eastern Europe. Germany is the major importer with a third of the harvest quantity.

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