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News 22.11.2012

20 Billion Tetra Pak Cartons Carry FSC™ Label As More Brands Put Environmental Commitment On Display

Tetra Pak announced that more than 20 billion of its packages sold around the world during 2012 have carried the label of…

Tetra Pak announced that more than 20 billion of its packages sold around the world during 2012 have carried the label of the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC). The label, which was carried on around 8.5 billion Tetra Pak packages in 2010, certifies that the paperboard used for the packaging material comes from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources.

The first Tetra Pak package with the FSC certification label was launched in the UK by Sainsbury’s in 2007. Today it is being applied by retailers and brand owners in 39 countries, including China, the USA, Canada, across South America and throughout Europe.

In a recent survey of 6,600 consumers in 10 countries conducted by Euromonitor for Tetra Pak, around half said that the absence of information about the environmental profile of a product was an issue in their purchasing behaviour. And the same proportion said they find on-pack logos helpful in understanding the environmental impact of beverage packages.

Tetra Pak packages have strong environmental credentials: Some 75 % of the packaging material comes from renewable sources, and the used beverage cartons are fully recyclable. In addition, the shape of the packages, its material composition and low weight as well as its efficient transport, storage and distribution systems result in an overall lower CO2 impact than other alternative packaging solutions.

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