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People & Events 03.07.2012

Health in Beverages Congress 2012

Health in Beverages Congress 2012 is Canadean’s new flagship event and will take place on 18th & 19th September in Brussels. It will combine…

Health in Beverages Congress 2012 is Canadean’s new flagship event and will take place on 18th & 19th September in Brussels. It will combine Canadean’s long standing reputation and expertise in the FMCG sector with Arena International’s proven track record of producing cutting edge platforms to successfully challenge the status quo. The event will uncover the latest strategies and techniques to stay ahead of the curve and increase profits from ‘healthy’ beverages.

The beverages market is a very busy one where new products are constantly being developed. The Health in Beverages Congress creates a platform that is conducive to stimulating conversation, whether it’s new ingredients, processes, strategies, marketing techniques or new insights into customer needs; this conference will be the best place to develop a thorough understanding of how to proceed in creating a new healthy beverage.

Key speakers at the event include:

• Dr. Michele Kellerhals, Director- Research & Innovation, Functional Ingredients, The Coca-Cola Company

• Lesley Stevenson, Director, New Product Research, Functional Beverages, GlaxoSmithKline Nutrition

• Pierluigi Tosato, CEO, San Benedetto

• Cheryl Walker,  Analytical Development Technologist, Britvic Soft Drinks

There will also be a host of other speakers from industry leading companies covering topics such as: EFSA regulations, consumer preferences and trends and innovation through new ingredients and processes. The event will feature two presentations from Canadean as well as several networking sessions enabling attendees to discuss their views and concerns with their international colleagues.

The Global Non-Alcoholic Beverages Market is set to reach $622 Billion by 2015, and the European industry is following along similar trends. In order to satisfy the consumer’s thirst for healthier drinks, beverage manufacturers must innovate. Only continued innovation will guarantee survival in a harsh and merciless market place, where a stretch of poor sales will result in reduced shelf space and eventual demise of the company. The soft drinks industry is highly innovative with some 40 % of the products on sale today having been introduced in the past five years. Source: UNESDA

Please see the conference website for further information and to book your place at this fantastic event that is not to be missed:

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