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News 28.07.2012

Bosch Plans To Acquire Ampack Ammann

The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The planned takeover is…

Bosch, the leading global supplier of technology and services, intends to acquire Ampack Ammann, located in Königsbrunn near Augsburg, Germany. Agreements to this effect were signed on July 20, 2012. Ampack Ammann develops, manufactures, and sells filling and packaging machines for liquid and paste-like foodstuffs. Employing some 250 associates, the company has generated average sales of some 35 million euros over the past few years. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The planned takeover is subject to approval by the antitrust authorities.

Equipment developed and produced by Ampack Ammann includes cup and bottle filling machines as well as dosing systems and peripheral machinery. The equipment is mainly used to fill and pack highly sensitive food such as dairy products, baby food, and hospital food, but also dosable products such as cereals. Moreover, the company has conducted its own research in the field of aseptics and run a microbiology test laboratory since 2005.

Apart from manufacturing its own machines and equipment, Ampack Ammann offers an extensive range of after-sales services. These include the maintenance and overhaul of used machinery and the supply of spare parts. Ampack Ammann also acts as general contractor for complete filling and packing lines. Its customers include European dairies as well as producers of food and of nutritional products for hospitals and infants.

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