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News 15.06.2012

Multifaceted Taste Experience Thanks To Natural Extracts

The Plantextrakt Business Unit of the Martin Bauer Group therefore presented its new…

Taste continues to be the basis of every successful product. Whatever the product – beverage, confectionary or dairy product – the most important prerequisite is that it tastes good to the consumer. The Plantextrakt Business Unit of the Martin Bauer Group therefore presented its new "enjoy taste. enjoy diversity." product concept at this year's Food ingredients Europe. This concept offers a range of very different taste experiences on the basis of natural Tea and Herbal Extracts. The Group from Vestenbergsgreuth presented 15 products including RTD beverages, yoghurt drinks, chocolate and hard candy.

From fresh to exotic

Plantextrakt had divided its "enjoy taste. enjoy diversity." product concept into four different taste categories. This meant that the trade visitors were able to test fresh tasting products, try products with a typically herbal taste and become acquainted with exotic taste experiences. Furthermore, Plantextrakt also demonstrated how the beverage and food industries can make optimum use of tea as a flavouring ingredient in their products.

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