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News 20.04.2012

Carbonostics Democratizing Product Lifecycle Assessment For Food Sector, Reports Independent Sustainability Analyst Firm

Carbonostics is contributing to the growth of the product LCA market in Europe, which…

Carbonostics is contributing to the growth of the product LCA market in Europe, which independent analyst firm reports will more than double in growth hitting $103.3 million by 2015.

Carbonostics, the online product lifecycle assessment (pLCA) application for the food sector, participated in the latest report from independent analyst firm Verdantix, European Product LCA Market Forecast 2011-2015, published in March 2012.

The latest research from Verdantix reviews the barriers and drivers influencing the penetration of pLCA per industry to size, and forecast that the European market is set to reach $40.5 million in 2012 and more than double over the next three years hitting $103.3 million by 2015. The report takes into consideration software, implementation and support budgets while detailing spend in European countries including France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. This research follows on from a previous report Smart Innovators: Product LCA Software that reviewed usage scenarios and solutions available on the market, which also included Carbonostics.

The research found that over the past three years, the choice of LCA tools on the market has increased with new entrants popularizing LCA. Furthermore, the report states that simplified interfaces designed for specific product categories or industries, such as food and beverage industry focused software Carbonostics, are supporting the uptake of LCA in new industries and for new usage scenarios by making LCA accessible to non-experts.

Carbonostics (cost + carbon + nutrition) was launched more than three years ago and continues to be a pioneering force in food product sustainability with its triple-bottom-line approach. It delivers product lifecycle assessment, hot-spot screening and product portfolio analysis via an online tool that includes a built-in, comprehensive database with over 2500 emission factors relevant to the food industry.

The Carbonostics tool is used by large and small food manufacturers and foodservice suppliers in order to reduce carbon, cost and waste, identify supply chain efficiencies, improve supplier relationships and support new product design and R&D.

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