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News 22.02.2012

Solbar Enters Weight Management Market

Solbar will be presenting a newly developed line of…

Solbar will be presenting a newly developed line of soy-protein isolates for the weight-management market. The new line includes innovative textured products designed specifically for a complete healthy and balanced meal that helps ensure an optimal daily consumption of protein.

Many studies show that high protein meals are more satisfying than high-carbohydrate or high-fat meals when based on measures of satiety.

Soy protein isolate is a naturally complete protein with a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) OF 1.00, and of a low-glycemic index.

The new line is based on two fundamental principles: taste and health. Solbar Q 741 is a low-viscosity soy isolate with a great flavour profile. It has excellent suspension properties and can be easily introduced into nutritional shakes and recovery meals. Solbar Q813 will be demonstrated in bar applications, presenting in both protein- and cereal-bar formats, to highlight the high protein levels achievable by using Solbar’s hydrolysed, low-viscosity soy protein isolate, without adverse effect on shelflife or flavor.

As a global leader in the soy ingredients market, Solbar is committed to highest quality soy protein solutions. Solbar targets to improve health, wellness and nutrition of people around the world by expanding range of soy proteins and soy isoflavones. We acknowledge the value of listening. We listen to each other and are always in tune with our customers' needs. We welcome new challenges and willing to go the extra mile to develop and produce unique and tailor made solution.

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