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News 20.01.2012

Tereos Syral Acquires A 75 % Interest In The Capital Of Féculerie d’Haussimont

Tereos Syral and Féculerie d’Haussimont’s shareholders, SPhere and Société Coopérative Agricole Féculire de Haussimont (SCAF), have agreed to…

The acquisition of a majority stake by Tereos Syral in Féculerie d’Haussimont was completed on December 28, 2011.

Tereos Syral and Féculerie d’Haussimont’s shareholders, SPhere and Société Coopérative Agricole Féculière de Haussimont (SCAF), have agreed to buy a majority stake by Tereos Syral in Féculerie d’Haussimont, which has changed its name to Syral Haussimont. Tereos Syral now holds a 75 % interest in the capital of the starch producer, alongside SCAF (20 %) and SPhere (5 %). Syral Haussimont has joined Tereos Syral’s starch products business, while maintaining the early-stage support of raw materials suppliers (SCAF) and the later-stage support of a client that plays an active role in the bioplastics industry (SPhere).

This acquisition has broadened the raw materials portfolio of Tereos Syral, Europe’s third-largest starch producer, to include starch potatoes in addition to wheat, corn and tapioca, which are already converted into starch, glucose and derivative products at its plants in Europe and Brazil.

Tereos Syral is the cereal processing subsidiary of Tereos, a cooperative group owned by 12,000 members. It is Europe’s second-largest sugar and alcohol producer, generating revenues of EUR 4.4 billion. Tereos Syral is Europe’s third-largest producer of cereal starch and derivative products, selling 1.8 million tonnes a year (native and modified starch, glucose syrup, polyols and alcohols), generating revenues of EUR 1.6 billion a year and processing 3.7 million tonnes of cereals a year at nine plants, with 1,600 employees. Tereos is also present in sugarcane in Brazil, Réunion and Africa (Mozambique and Tanzania) and has 24,000 employees worldwide.

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