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News 30.01.2012

Ashland Water Technologies To Feature Latest Advancements At Anuga FoodTec 2012

Ashland Water Technologies, a commercial unit of Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH), will share its…

SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland – Ashland Water Technologies, a commercial unit of Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH), will share its latest developments in water treatment chemistries at Anuga FoodTec, the international trade fair for food and drink technology. The event will be held in Cologne, Germany, March 27-30.

Ashland will feature its newly developed range of Protecsol™ FBX corrosion inhibitors and deposit dispersants. These innovative chemistries are specifically designed for use during the demanding packaging and heat treatment process to provide a superior end product.

"We look forward to presenting our new advances at Anuga FoodTec," said Hans Graumans, global marketing manager, Food and Beverage, Ashland Water Technologies. "This event provides us the opportunity to meet with customers and showcase the solutions we bring to this industry."

In addition to new product introductions, Ashland will showcase the following products at Anuga FoodTec 2012:

• Sonoxide™ ultrasonic water treatment system, a non-chemical alternative to chemical biocides.

• Generox™ tube reactor chlorine dioxide generation system, a total control program providing safe and economical water disinfection.

• Ashland polymer chemistries and TenCate Geotube* containers and dewatering technology working in partnership to provide superior dewatering solutions.

"In addition to Ashland’s broad portfolio of products, we also have an extensive base of knowledge," said Mario Swinnen, vice president, Ashland Water Technologies. "The people behind these products deliver a level of expertise relied upon by our customers. Our specialized focus within the industry and strong commitment to our customers truly positions Ashland as a leader in this industry."

™ Trademark, Ashland or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries
* Trademark owned by a third party

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