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News 07.11.2011

Coffee and Protein – A New, All-in-One, Healthy Beverage For The Troops

One of the top requested items from the U.S. Troops is protein drinks and bars, a convenient way of…

One of the top requested items from the U.S. Troops is protein drinks and bars, a convenient way of getting sustenance for our active military. Of course, a cup of Joe has long been a popular staple for the troops. CLICKco LLC has donated over 35,000 servings of CLICK Espresso Protein Drink® to Operation Gratitude so the troops can now get their coffee and protein all in one.

Each serving of CLICK contains 15 grams of protein, a double-shot of real espresso coffee, 23 essential vitamins and minerals with a taste that's more like a gourmet, coffee-house drink rather than a typical protein shake.

CLICK by definition means to connect, make a success. "We are so honored to be making this positive connection with the troops," shares CLICKco LLC Co-founder, Greg Smith. "Combining coffee for energy and protein to stabilize blood sugar, this 1-2 combination helps to provide the essential energy and nutrition support that the troops need along with a gourmet, coffee-house taste that they can enjoy hot or cold."

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