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News 04.10.2011

Kerry Group In Exclusive Discussions To Acquire Cargill’s Global Flavours Business

Kerry Group, the global ingredients & flavours and consumer foods group, today confirmed that…

Kerry Group, the global ingredients & flavours and consumer foods group, today confirmed that the Group is in exclusive discussion with Cargill which may, or may not result in the Group’s acquisition of Cargill’s global flavours business.

Cargill Flavor Systems has well established international flavour technology development expertise serving a global customer base through provision of flavour ingredients and flavour systems for beverage, dairy, sweet and savoury applications.

Through its network of modern integrated flavour development and application centres spanning 22 countries in North and South America, Europe, South Africa and Asia, Cargill Flavor Systems has long-standing relationships with leading global food and beverage manufacturers.

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