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News 14.09.2011

Sunsweet Purchases Function Drinks

Sunsweet Growers Inc. announced its acquisition of Function Drinks, a Southern California company known for its…

Sunsweet Growers Inc. announced its acquisition of Function Drinks, a Southern California company known for its line of innovative, dietary supplement beverages. The acquisition is part of Sunsweet's ongoing initiative to leverage its unique set of skills and resources to help emerging beverage brands break through to mainstream success.

In conjunction with the transaction, Sunsweet formed a wholly owned subsidiary named Disruptive Beverages Inc (DBI). DBI has been formed to help drive the growth of developing beverage companies with strong products and ideas in today's increasingly competitive and capital constrained landscape. Function is the first full acquisition as part of this plan and strong interest remains in finding additional emerging brands to add to its portfolio.

Function co-founders Dayton Miller, Josh Simon, and Alex Hughes will continue to maintain leadership positions in the company. While Sunsweet will leverage its resources wherever synergies exist, the Function business will continue to operate on a fairly standalone basis.

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