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News 29.04.2011

Zignago Vetro Has Purchased Around 79 % Of Huta Szkla Czechy, A Polish Manufacturer Of Glass Containers

The purchase agreement for the acquisition of around 79 % of the share capital of Huta Szkla Czechy (HSC) has been executed for…

The purchase agreement for the acquisition of around 79 % of the share capital of Huta Szkla Czechy (HSC) has been executed for a total price slightly less than 7 million euro. The purchase has been executed through a bank financing which anyway does not affect the already low financial debt of the Zignago Vetro Group. HSC is a Polish company, with registered office and manufacturing plant in Trabki, in the Masovia region, not far from Warsaw.

In 2010 the company, which has over 300 employees, generated revenues of approximately Euro 14 million, an increase of almost 30 % compared to 2009, with an EBITDA margin of approximately 11 %. The net financial debt of the company is around 8 thousand euro. This financial information is in the process of being certified.

HSC is a company with high potentiality, that operates in niches of the global market of glass containers for food and beverages, and also for cosmetics and perfumery. HSC supplies its customers primarily with a wide range of personalised products. HSC is located in a strategic geographical area, both because of the potentiality for growth of the Polish market, and because of its location in between of the traditional EU markets and of the high-growing Eastern Europe markets.

The companies of the Zignago Vetro Group manufacture high-quality glass containers for foods and beverages, and for cosmetics and perfumery, as well as specialty glass bottles for the wine and spirits market, for both the domestic and International market.

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