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Flavours & Ingredients 29.03.2011

All Around The World: Naturally Healthy

At this year’s Vitafoods, Frutarom will showcase for the first time a selection of botanical extracts targeting jet lag symptoms. This “Jet Lag Campaign” has been especially created for…

At this year’s Vitafoods, Frutarom will showcase for the first time a selection of botanical extracts targeting jet lag symptoms. This “Jet Lag Campaign” has been especially created for people battling symptoms caused by circadian dysrhythmia, and offers a range of ingredients that help to balance the body’s inner clock. Frutarom will also present natural concepts for indications such as women’s health, bone health, slimming and beauty from within.

A confused circadian rhythm causes stress symptoms including daytime fatigue, exhaustion, disturbed sleep, digestive disorders and decreased mental and physical performance. This is especially obstructive because people – particularly business travellers – often have to be at their peak after a long flight. But it’s not just travellers who suffer from jet lag symptoms. Doctors, chefs, shift workers and others live out of sync with their inner clock every day.

Frutarom’s “Jet Lag Campaign” is aimed at manufacturers of nutraceuticals and functional foods who want to create products for these target groups. The campaign includes extracts of blackcurrant, schisandra, fenugreek, wild green oat, lemon balm and red vine leaf. Each of these targets specific “jet lag” indications, such as concentration difficulties, stress management, sleep disorders, digestion problems, tired eyes and heavy legs. Depending on the individual product concept, the extracts can be used alone or in combination.

Indication-guided approach

Additionally, Frutarom will present its range of science-backed extracts using an indication-guided approach: From digestive health and urinary conditions to mental health, cardiovascular and immune health, beauty from within, slimming, women’s health and bone & joint health, the company will showcase comprehensive concepts for the most diverse demands.

All of the concepts and extracts presented by Frutarom are backed up by scientific or bibliographic data. Therefore, the application possibilities resulting from Frutarom’s range of natural ingredients with clear indication fields is almost endless. Natural and effective, the extracts form the basis for a large variety of products targeting a wide array of indications and sub-indications. Mostly suitable for nutraceuticals such as capsules, tablets and sachets, the ingredients can also add a functional dimension to food applications.

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