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Science & Research 28.10.2010

DSM Is Pleased To Confirm That DHA And EPA Health Claims For Brain Function, Heart Health And Vision Got A Positive Opinion From EFSA

DSM Nutritional Products is pleased to confirm that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued positive opinions on the beneficial effects of…

DSM Nutritional Products is pleased to confirm that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued positive opinions on the beneficial effects of DHA and EPA, 2 essential Omega 3 Long Chain Polyununsaturated Fatty Acids (LC-PUFA’s). EFSA’s opinion supports the scientific evidence on the beneficial effects of DHA and/or EPA on brain health, heart health and vision, which are all health benefit areas with increasing importance to Europe’s ageing population. Health claims for DHA and EPA were submitted through EU Member States. DSM helped prepare several such submissions which included a reference list of supporting scientific evidence for the claim.

DHA and EPA are essential omega 3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which can be found in meaningful quantities only in fatty fish as tuna, salmon, anchovies and sardines. It has been demonstrated that the conversion of alpha linolenic acid (short chain omega 3) to DHA is very inefficient even in healthy subjects. Following this opinion, DSM expects that the European Commission will approve the health claims for DHA and EPA relating to brain health, heart health and vision.

As Amanda Ruess, Director of Nutritional Lipids, commented: “ROPUFA® DHA and EPA from DSM Nutritional Products have excellent organoleptic and technical properties and are available in several product formulations making it a perfect source for food, beverage, infant and dietary supplement applications”.

The EU Art. 13 list of approved Health Claims will come into effect after its official publication now expected in early 2012. This list is designed to protect consumers against unfounded health claims for which there is little scientific substantiation. At the same time, it will favour manufacturers of functional ingredients with solid scientific evidence that supports ingredient efficacy.

Products containing DHA will be able to make the following claims, at the daily dosage levels indicated in brackets:

– DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride
  levels (2 grams)

– EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride
  levels (2 grams)

– DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function (250 mg)

– DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision (250 mg)

– EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart  (250 mg)

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