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Process Technology 02.10.2010

Alfa Laval Introduces World’s First EHEDG-Approved Rotary Spray Head

The Alfa Laval Toftejorg SaniMidget SB UltraPure rotary spray head is the first tank cleaning machine of its kind to be certified by the European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) for use by the food industry. The launch shows that…

The Alfa Laval Toftejorg SaniMidget SB UltraPure rotary spray head is the first tank cleaning machine of its kind to be certified by the European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) for use by the food industry. The launch shows that Alfa Laval continues to lead the way within hygienic processing and food safety.
Alfa Laval announces another significant development to its comprehensive tank equipment portfolio with the world’s first and only EHEDG-compliant rotary spray head tank cleaning machine. In 2004, the Alfa Laval Toftejorg Sanijet 25 rotary jet head received the world’s first ever EHEDG certificate for a tank cleaning machine.
Self-draining and self-cleaning, inside and out, the SaniMidget SB UltraPure rotary spray head are designed to the strictest (CIP/SIP) cleanability standards and are also authorized to carry the 3-A symbol. To ensure product integrity, this device is made of safe and non-reactive hygienic materials with all steel materials fully traceable in accordance with EC No. 1935/2004. All non-metallic parts comply with FDA requirements 21 CFR 174.

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