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Science & Research 09.09.2010

DSM’s resVida® improves Cardiovascular Health

A new study published on the website of Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases represents the first published human study to positively link resveratrol to the physiological effects of the French Paradox and better cardiovascular health. The study, conducted by…

A new study published on the website of Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases represents the first published human study to positively link resveratrol to the physiological effects of the French Paradox and better cardiovascular health.
The study, conducted by Dr. Peter Howe at the University of South Australia, demonstrates that DSM’s resVida® resveratrol is effective in improving flow mediated dilation (FMD) in humans. FMD is a bio-marker linked to the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.
In the double blind placebo controlled trial, subjects took three different doses of resVida® 99 % trans-resveratrol (30, 90 and 270 mg). All doses were well absorbed into the blood stream in a dose dependent manner. The reactivity of blood vessels was then measured in the brachial artery. All 3 doses of resVida® acutely and significantly increased the dilation of the brachial artery. The diameter of the artery was increased by 62 % in the group who took just 30mg of resVida®, while a 91 % improvement was seen in the 270 mg group.
Resveratrol, one of the most physiologically active compounds in red wine, and red wine consumption in general has been thought to be responsible for the French Paradox – the phenomenon that French people, although consuming a diet high in fat, enjoy robust cardiovascular health and a low cardiovascular mortality rate when compared to other Western countries.
This is the first in a list of human clinical studies that DSM is working on for its resVida® high-purity resveratrol ingredient. “DSM is now involved with five ongoing human studies for resVida®, and that list grows with each passing month,” Global Business Manager, Frank DeJianne stated. “We’re working with top researchers from around the world in the areas of cardiovascular health, metabolism, cognitive and physical performance. Our customers demand and recognize the value of our role in pioneering resveratrol research,” said DeJianne.
In addition to its clinical study program, DSM is also supporting the dissemination of research throughout the scientific community by way of financial grants to scientific conferences around the world. Last week, DSM contributed to the Gordon Biology of Aging Conference in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, a scientific forum that explored the basic mechanisms of aging and their implementation into interventions to promote human health.
DSM is also a contributing sponsor and presenter at Resveratrol2010, the first International Scientific Conference of Resveratrol and Health that will take place in Copenhagen Denmark from September 13th to 16th. DSM will present the extensive safety studies on resVida®. Other topics of the conference include resveratrol’s effect on inflammation, cardiovascular health, longevity, neuroprotection, obesity, diabetes and more. About the conference, DeJianne stated, “We’re very enthused to participate in this great assembly of resveratrol research and look forward to the new pathways it will forge for us and our customers.”

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