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Filling & Packaging 17.08.2010

Your perfect Bottle

‘Competence in Solutions’ is a guiding principle KHS GmbH consistently applies and will be demonstrated once again at this year’s K 2010 trade show in Düsseldorf. As an international partner for filling and packaging technology in the beverage, food, and non-food sectors, KHS’ great competence in the design and manufacture of…

'Competence in Solutions' is a guiding principle KHS GmbH consistently applies and will be demonstrated once again at this year's K 2010 trade show in Düsseldorf. As an international partner for filling and packaging technology in the beverage, food, and non-food sectors, KHS' great competence in the design and manufacture of complete systems and individual machines is convincing. The company also provides assistance and support to the beverage, food, and non-food branches of industry throughout the entire service life of KHS products.
At K 2010, together with KHS Corpoplast and KHS Plasmax KHS will be presenting various PET bottle design solutions under the motto of 'Your Perfect Bottle'. The focus will be on the KHS Bottles & Shapes program, the new InnoPET Blomax Series IV generation of stretch blow molders, and InnoPET Plasmax barrier coating.
There will be a large number of different PET bottles on show, all designed, developed, and tested within the Bottles & Shapes program. With this program and over 35 years of experience with PET, KHS Corpoplast provides companies with continuous advice and support throughout the entire development process, from the initial idea for a plastic container to its industrial manufacture and flawless performance in the filling line. One important aspect of the Bottles & Shapes program with regard to sustainability and cost is the development of lightweight, extremely robust and rigid PET bottles. Only recently KHS Corpoplast introduced what is probably the lightest 0.5-liter PET bottle weighing just 6.4 grams. Another pioneering development is the 1.5-liter PET bottle for still water with a weight of only 17.9 grams that is currently undergoing tests for implementation in commercial production.

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