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News 17.08.2010

Expansion of Competency in Health Food Area: Symrise founds Scientific Advisory Board for Health and Nutrition

With the foundation of a new scientific advisory body, the international flavoring manufacturer Symrise is expanding its competencies in the area of health-oriented food. The Scientific Advisory Board for Health and Nutrition is…

With the foundation of a new scientific advisory body, the international flavoring manufacturer Symrise is expanding its competencies in the area of health-oriented food. The Scientific Advisory Board for Health and Nutrition is composed of internationally renowned scientists, who advise Symrise during the development of new ingredients for supplements and healthy and functional food products.
The external specialists provide Symrise researchers with support in implementing new scientific data as quickly as possible in actual products, and they also give the researchers support in developing new technologies. In the Scent & Care division Symrise has already been working successfully for several years with its own Scientific Advisory Board, which advises the Group on the development of new ingredients for cosmetic products.

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board for Health and Nutrition are Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rogler, Professor for Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the UniversitätsSpital in Zurich, Prof. Dr. Christian Barth, long-standing Scientific Director of the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE), as well as Prof. Dr. Ulrich Noehle, independent scientific consultant (previously CEO of Nordzucker and the Director of Nutritional Science, Food Legislation and Quality Management at Nestlé Germany).

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