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People & Events 16.08.2010

D.D. Williamson names new Regional Sales Manager for China

D.D. Williamson has hired Ellen Ye as Regional Sales Manager for China. “We are delighted to have Ellen Ye join our Global Sales Team serving our customers in China,” said…

D.D. Williamson has hired Ellen Ye as Regional Sales Manager for China.

“We are delighted to have Ellen Ye join our Global Sales Team serving our customers in China,” said Graham Merryweather, Vice President, Global Sales.
D.D. Williamson’s customers will benefit from Ms. Ye’s broad knowledge and experience in managing regional sales teams for multinational companies located in Asia. Her career includes employment with global companies in the food ingredient sector, including coloring.
Ms. Ye earned a degree in Fine Chemicals from Guangzhou University with subsequent university degrees in Economics and English.
Ms. Ye is located in the D.D. Williamson Ingredients (Shanghai) Ltd. offices in Shanghai. The subsidiary, established in 1996, is the largest manufacturer of caramel coloring in Asia.

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