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News 22.07.2010

D.D. Williamson launches innovative Product in Europe

D.D. Williamson has developed an acid-proof, Class One caramel colour for customers in Europe. The darkest Class One caramel colour in D.D. Williamson’s product line, the new product provides stability below pH 2.5 and in alcohol up to 65 % ABV. Customers may label “Colour Plain Caramel” or “Burnt Sugar” depending on the function the product is serving in the food or beverage application…

D.D. Williamson has developed an acid-proof, Class One caramel colour for customers in Europe. The darkest Class One caramel colour in D.D. Williamson’s product line, the new product provides stability below pH 2.5 and in alcohol up to 65 % ABV. Customers may label “Colour Plain Caramel” or “Burnt Sugar” depending on the function the product is serving in the food or beverage application.

“Flavour and beverage developers can now select a darker, Class One with acid stability, said Greg Kreder, Product Development Scientist. “It is minimally processed and demonstrates superior stability in acid compared to standard Class One caramel colours,” added Kreder.

If colour represents the purpose of the new product in the customer’s application, then “Colour Plain Caramel” is a label option. If flavour represents the purpose, then “Burnt Sugar” is a label option. The European Technical Caramel Association, chaired by D.D. Williamson’s Barry Foley, agreed on ‘decision-tree’ labelling of Burnt Sugar in November 2009.

Last month the company announced the product to the North American market.

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