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News 22.07.2010

Australasia Organisational Changes

Amcor announced that Mr Eric Bloom, currently President of Amcor Packaging Distribution (formally Amcor Sunclipse) is moving to Australia to take up the newly formed position of Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Australasia, reporting to Nigel Garrard…

Amcor announced that Mr Eric Bloom, currently President of Amcor Packaging Distribution (formally Amcor Sunclipse) is moving to Australia to take up the newly formed position of Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Australasia, reporting to Nigel Garrard.

Eric has had 15 years experience in the Packaging Distribution business, including the past eight years as President. This invaluable experience will be directed at a range of opportunities within Australasia including further enhancing the focus on all aspects of customer service, management of key customer accounts and business growth. Eric will also apply his expertise in specialty packaging and services to further develop this market in Australasia.

Given the opportunities to leverage the skills of the Packaging Distribution business into the Australian market and the common corrugated business in Australia and the USA, it has been decided to bring the Australasian and Packaging Distribution business units together and report to Nigel Garrard in his new role as President Amcor Australasia and Packaging Distribution. This new structure is a strong signal to the market that there is an important role for distribution and manufacturing to work together worldwide to provide a unique value proposition.

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