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News 25.03.2010

COCA-COLA announces worldwide commitment to place energy information on front of product packaging

The Coca-Cola Company today announced global plans to include energy information (calories, kilocalories, kilojoules) per serving on the front of nearly all product packages in a move to increase consumers’ awareness about the calorie content of its beverages.

The Coca-Cola Company today announced global plans to include energy information (calories, kilocalories, kilojoules) per serving on the front of nearly all product packages in a move to increase consumers' awareness about the calorie content of its beverages.
Coca-Cola is the first company in the beverage industry to make this kind of international commitment.

The new labels seek to make it even easier for consumers worldwide to make more informed decisions about the beverages they drink based on their own individual taste preferences and nutritional needs. The Company already has successfully rolled out front-of-pack energy labeling throughout Europe and Australia with Mexico and the United States currently in roll-out phase. The Coca-Cola Company's global commitment is to have front-of-pack energy information on all products by the end of 2011.

The new labeling will show calories, kilocalories or kilojoules per serving on nearly all Coca-Cola beverages, including all sparkling beverages, teas, energy drinks, flavored water beverages, juices and juice drinks. According to local regulations, label information may also include percent Daily Guidance Indicators to show how the quantities of select nutrients fit into the national or regional dietary guidelines. Nationally appropriate terms, such as Guideline Daily Amounts (EU) and Daily Values (US and Canada), will be used when providing this information. The only Coca-Cola products excluded from the policy are fountain drinks, unsweetened/unflavored waters and returnable bottles.

The new labeling and the broad portfolio of Coca-Cola products are complemented by a wide range of Coca-Cola-supported programs around the world that promote nutrition education and encourage physical activity among people of all ages. The Coca-Cola Company supports active, healthy living programs in 100 countries. In the United States, Coca-Cola sponsors Triple Play, a wellness program in partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Results of a two-year study released two weeks ago found that children who participated in the program increased their level of physical activity, made smarter nutrition choices and improved their sense of self mastery or control over their lives.

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