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Uncle Matt’s Organic®, one of the #1 selling brands of organic orange juices in the US, announced the launch of Uncle Matt’s Organic® Ultimate Athlete® Pre-Workout Shot, aimed to boost athletic performance, hydrate and reduce oxidative stress – all in one gulp. The 2 oz shot was formulated in collaboration with the Denver Broncos’ in-house chef and is a proprietary blend of organic beets, orange juice, coconut water, ginger, and lemon juice designed to support peak performance. The shots are available on and will be rolling out to select retailers in the US in the next few months.

Uncle Matt’s Organic® Ultimate Athlete® Shot starts with the highest quality OJ, using only 100 % organically grown fruit that is free from synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and GMOs. The juice is blended with powerfully proven multi-functional ingredients like:

  • Organic Beet Juice & Powder: This ingredient can’t be “beet” for a boost in athletic performance as well as reduced muscle soreness.
  • Organic Coconut Water: Coconut water is a naturally sweet source of hydration without any added sugar. It contains electrolytes like potassium and sodium that help your body maintain fluids and sustain performance.
  • Organic Ginger Juice: Scientific studies say strenuous physical activity can lead to increased oxidative stress and inflammation. Ginger contains antioxidant compounds like gingerols that have anti-inflammatory properties to combat that.
  • Organic Lemon Juice: Lemons, an abundant source of Vitamin C, have been studied for their potential impacts on lowering stroke risks and preventing asthma.