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The UK Government has announced that it is suspending the tariffs imposed on a range of food and drink items, including orange juice (see the full list via this link).

Success on the latter product comes after the BSDA and the British Fruit Juice Association applied (in July 2021) to get the two commodity codes which make orange juice products more expensive suspended.

During the UK’s membership of the EU, Industry had to submit applications to the bloc to request suspensions, which then had to be assessed by all member states.

BSDA Director Gavin Partington, said: “We welcome the Government’s decision to suspend the tariffs placed on orange juice imports. This will ease some of the cost pressures faced by our members such as on fuel and transport. A 150 ml serving of orange juice counts as one of your 5 A Day and is a cost effective way of working towards the target which – according to NHS data – is currently being missed by all age groups.”

The tariff suspensions are expected to apply for a period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024.