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KHS in Dortmund, Germany, international manufacturer of lines and machines for applications in the beverage filling and packaging industry with over 5,000 employees, belongs to the Salzgitter Group’s high-growth technology business unit. As part of its Strategy 2021 program Salzgitter AG plans to further expand its technology business unit.

In order to follow KHS’ own growth strategy while simultaneously strengthening its inner performance KHS is implementing its company-wide KHS Future action plan. As part of the KHS realignment process Prof. E.h. Dr.-Ing. Johann Grabenweger, responsible for Sales and Service, is leaving the company by mutual consent. The Supervisory Board would like to thank Prof. Grabenweger for his 13 years of successful work in Production, Research and Development and, most recently, Sales and Service which has grown by about a third in the last few years.

Until a final decision has been reached regarding the appointment of a successor, Management Board responsibility for the Sales and Service Division shall be assumed by chairman of the KHS Executive Management Board Burkhard Becker.